World of Warcraft Gearing from buzai232's blog

Gearing is much easier and faster if you have a guild and/or friends that are willing to help you out in World of Warcraft. This will save you a lot of trouble and time: forming groups is much faster (especially if you are playing DPS), people will not leave at the middle of the run, you will know how competent they are beforehand, you will get all relevant loot without having to ask for it every time. If your current guild is inactive or won't help you out, definitely consider joining a new one.To get more news about Buy WoW Retail Gold, you can visit official website.

Remember that people are in no obligation of giving you what they get and don't be rude if they want to keep it. Please keep in mind that you can set it to announce only to yourself, if you don't want to say it in group chat. The addon Personal Loot Helper can be a lot of help, as it will announce when an item is both an ilv upgrade for you, and not for the person who got it.

Don't be shy to ask, worst you can get is a "no" or being ignored. Just make sure to always be polite when asking for something. While there are some conflicting opinions on personal loot, you will find that higher ilv players won't mind handing you their loot that is an upgrade for you.

Know what to do

If your ilv is too low then you will obviously have lower DPS than better geared players, and you will also receive more damage and have less hp as higher gear gives you more armor and stamina. However you can try to make up for it by knowing what to do. An interrupt made by an 820 player is as good as one made by an 890 and can help reduce damage taken by the group, and make a smoother and faster run. Read dungeon/raid guides, don't stand in fire or receive avoidable damage, and know when to use your CCs and interrupts.
If your class is pure DPS or if you do not want to play tank or healer, then you can try to find a friend/guild that plays either role and ask them to party up for queuing or applying to groups. Both will go much faster as a DPS + healer/tank combo than as a lone DPS.Tanks and healers have much shorter queues and get invited faster.
If you can perform a tanking or healing role, definitely consider doing it while gearing, especially if you don't have a guild to carry you. At AK 15 you will be able to get some points in an offspec easily without hurting progression on your main weapon, and that will be enough for most content.

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