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Gearing is much easier and faster if you have a guild and/or friends that are willing to help you out in World of Warcraft. This will save you a lot of trouble and time: forming groups is much faster (especially if you are playing DPS), people will not leave at the middle of the run, you will know how competent they are beforehand, you will get all relevant loot without having to ask for it every time. If your current guild is inactive or won't help you out, definitely consider joining a new one.To get more news about Buy WoW Retail Gold, you can visit official website.

Remember that people are in no obligation of giving you what they get and don't be rude if they want to keep it. Please keep in mind that you can set it to announce only to yourself, if you don't want to say it in group chat. The addon Personal Loot Helper can be a lot of help, as it will announce when an item is both an ilv upgrade for you, and not for the person who got it.

Don't be shy to ask, worst you can get is a "no" or being ignored. Just make sure to always be polite when asking for something. While there are some conflicting opinions on personal loot, you will find that higher ilv players won't mind handing you their loot that is an upgrade for you.

Know what to do

If your ilv is too low then you will obviously have lower DPS than better geared players, and you will also receive more damage and have less hp as higher gear gives you more armor and stamina. However you can try to make up for it by knowing what to do. An interrupt made by an 820 player is as good as one made by an 890 and can help reduce damage taken by the group, and make a smoother and faster run. Read dungeon/raid guides, don't stand in fire or receive avoidable damage, and know when to use your CCs and interrupts.
If your class is pure DPS or if you do not want to play tank or healer, then you can try to find a friend/guild that plays either role and ask them to party up for queuing or applying to groups. Both will go much faster as a DPS + healer/tank combo than as a lone DPS.Tanks and healers have much shorter queues and get invited faster.
If you can perform a tanking or healing role, definitely consider doing it while gearing, especially if you don't have a guild to carry you. At AK 15 you will be able to get some points in an offspec easily without hurting progression on your main weapon, and that will be enough for most content.

buzai232 May 10 '22, 06:33PM · Tags: buy wow items

The launch of classic WoW is approaching and as someone who has played the game since classic I am looking forward to trying it out. I will definitely focus on gold making there as well, so let’s take a look at how gold making might work in classic.To get more news about Buy WotLK Classic Gold, you can visit official website.

This is actually a very important question. In live WoW we are all of course used to TradeSkillMaster and Auctionator at least. Back in vanilla auctioneer was the only real auction house mod. It will be very interesting to see what sort of API functionality gets implemented in the game as well as which addon developers will make mods.

That being said vanilla is in many ways easier to play in as there are a lot less items than in the live version. You could most likely play around in most markets fairly easily even with just the base UI. This was the subject of some hot contention on reddit. Obviously there will be very little gold going around in the beginning. We all start at zero so it will take a long while to generate the first thousand or even first ten thousand gold on the realm. The surplus after stuff like repairs will also be significantly smaller than in BfA WoW.

That being said players will still make a surplus of gold and will be willing to spend that on stuff that helps them out. Whether or not that makes the market worth it early is something only time will tell. I expect that crafting, shuffles and material farming will all be very valid gold making methods. As in the live game farming, crafting and flipping will all work well. Due to the very low amount of gold in the beginning raw gold farms will probably be the best farming for a while.

When it comes to crafting I think it will eventually be very lucrative. There are tons of hard to get recipes that will let you have huge barriers to entry to keep your margins high. Material shuffles are also likely to be very profitable as getting materials to level your tradeskill will actually be hard again.

There are also some methods related to end-game performance such as trying to monopolize Devilsaur leather for the BiS leather set. My main plan will be to focus on raw gold in the beginning. Then I will spend my gold on leveling tailoring and enchanting so I can shuffle enchanting materials which is likely to be very profitable. I already have some shuffle ideas, and I will look for more. Then I’ll work on obtaining the rare enchanting and tailoring recipes to craft those for gold.

buzai232 May 10 '22, 06:28PM · Tags: buy wow items

The new year has begun, and with that there is a new slate of changes and new developments for Shadowlands and WoW Classic. New updates include the introduction of Black Temple and Mount Hyjal to the raiding scene.To get more news about Buy WoW WLK Items, you can visit official website.

Shadowlands: Elements of Invents and the Second. The test continues on the PTR. This new land allows for the introduction of a new quest to exploreZereth Mortisand a brand-new combat dungeonSepulcher of the First and Seconds.The game continues in the next content update of Shadowlands: Eternity and Final, where players will join a new landZereth Mortis and meet Zovaal, a elusive jailer and an inhabitant of the Maw in Shadowlands.

Raider tests continue in the Sepulcher of the First-Teams with tests on Darma, the Fallen Oracle, Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener and Mythic Difficulty for XyMox. Players have also mastered first-wing weaknesses in Raid Finder.

Odds of Domination, released by the new content update, will be in place in Zereth Mortis, the Sepulcher of the First Kingdom, raid dungeons, all PvP, and dungeons. The Sami, and the Hakki-Film of the Domination, are still working as usual in Shadowland zones.

This eight-figure-dungeon is currently testing on the PTR and will be available in two dungeon experiences as part of the release of the content update in Heroic and Mythic difficultiesTazavesh, the Veiled Market: Streets of Wonder and Tazavesh, the Veiled Market: Soleahs Gambit. Players will also be able to participate in this content as Mythic+ dungeons.

As the new class is on, the new chapter will follow on. At the same time, the progress is being discussed in Eternitys, with focus on the new chapter of the new class, Demon Hunter and Warlock.

The next update from Burning Crusade Classic, The Black Temple, will be available on January 17th. On January 27, the following week, both raid and black temple (The Battle for Mount Hyjal) and the new daily quest hub (also available at the worldwide meeting) will be announced. Check the full announcement for more information.

We wanted to update the WoW community council and the progress we’ve progressed toward as we continue to review the over ten thousand applications we’ve received. As soon as we get ready to set up a new wave of invites, we worked hard to put all the applicants into consideration fair. Before the finalization, the update is a shared feature.

The team has hit the ground running in 2022 with the Eternity End PTR. The impact of WoW Community Councils could be seen from the beginning – they have helped us to converge on new conversations on PTR forums, asking how Shards of Domination will change with the patch, and asked for more information about the tentative raid testing schedule for the Semon of the First, and the tentative raid testing schedule for the EXPLAS. There are actively involved in further topics and posts will be made accordingly if all details are finally finished.

buzai232 Apr 12 '22, 07:34PM · Tags: buy wow items

we’re expecting a World of Warcraft expansion announcement. We’ve talked about what people want from that expansion, and that’s a worthwhile discussion, but as we get closer to the date my mind keeps wandering further afield. With Legion, we fought the Burning Legion and went to the demon-haunted world of Argus, and saw the Pantheon trap themselves and Sargeras. In Warlords of Draenor we traveled to another timeway and saw a version of Draenor that avoided becoming Outland. In Shadowlands, we’ve literally gone into the realms of death and stopped the Jailer from recreating our cosmos under his sole despotic rule.To get more news about Buy WotLK Classic Gold, you can visit official website.

So what’s coming next? And what would most surprise you?

I personally would be shocked (and delighted) if we got an expansion that goes back to Azeroth and attempts to rebuild and reclaim lost cities, build a new world out of the ashes of all we’ve lost in our continuous disaster reeling of the past decades. Since Cataclysm it’s been one world shaking nightmare after another — it really feels like now is the time to take stock of all that’s happened. I would absolutely love to see places like Gilneas restored, to see the various Elves of Azeroth reach across faction lines to create a new future for all of their people, to see us do less destruction and more aspiring to a better future.

I don’t expect this, of course. But I would love to be wrong. I would love for us to take some time and just do something besides blindly reacting to the latest crisis.

But that’s just me. What about you all? Is there something you just don’t think could happen? Something you’d either hate to see and are glad we won’t get, or would love to finally get to do? Do you want to explore Azeroth’s underground realms? Finally confront the Void? What’s your pie in the sky dream or unlikely scenario for the next expansion?

buzai232 Apr 12 '22, 07:26PM · Tags: buy wow items

There’s no feeling worse than finding a new friend that shares your love for the gaming craze World of Warcraft only to have all hopes and dreams crushed by discovering they play for a differing faction. Since the online game’s 2004 release, gamers have had to choose a side, Horde or Alliance, to forever pledge their allegiance and servitude until the day they die–or at least stop playing. As the MMORPG continues its momentum and popularity nearly two decades later, Blizzard Entertainment announced a momentous change coming to the game which will allow Horde and Alliance members to battle alongside each other in dungeons, raids, and PVP modes. To get more news about Buy WoW Items, you can visit official website.

Posting to Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft blog on New Year’s Eve, the company responsible for the most popular game in the world blew the minds of its devoted players with the announcement that the Alliance and Horde will soon be able to team up and play alongside each other. The game-changing updates are scheduled to release as part of the 9.2.5 update. To mark the big occasion, Blizzard put out an official statement saying, “There have been two decades’ worth of code and content crafted with the assumption that parties can only have players of a single faction, and while we want to make this feature available as soon as possible, the extent of the change means that it couldn’t be ready in time for the upcoming Eternity’s End content update. Instead, we are planning to test and release it as part of a subsequent 9.2.5 update.”

According to the newly posted guidelines, players will now be able to directly invite members of the opposite faction to their party via the gamers World of Warcraft BattleTag or Real ID friendship. Similarly, the premade groups in the Group Finder listings for various dungeons, raids, and arena’s will now be open to cross-faction play. It should be noted however that those not willing to set aside hostile feelings towards the opposite faction will still have the option to change their setting and turn off cross-faction play. Players guilds will remain single-faction, so players will still not be able to join the guild of someone on the opposite side.

Furthermore, random matchmaking activities like heroic dungeons, skirmishes, or random battlegrounds will remain as they were. The epic World of Warcraft news is definitely turning heads in the gaming community. Most fans seem to be ecstatic about the upcoming changes. After all, the limited cross-play abilities have often affected players negatively by limiting options of who they could play with. Blizzard likely has been keen on this hampering aspect of gameplay. It’s no secret that over the years, Blizzard has struggled to keep gamers coming back to the lands of Azeroth. In fact, Blizzard reportedly lost a staggering three million active subscribers in just three months in 2021.

While plenty of avid World of Warcraft aficionados are delighted about the coming changes to the game, there are plenty of gamers sounding off at Blizzard for the change. Tending to site the lore as the reasoning for anger with the new play format, many hardcore fans see the adjustments as a kick at the game’s lucrative lore detailing the hostility between the Horde and Alliance. In their defense, the conflicts of Azeroth date back much later than the cornerstone foundation of WoW. Deriving from the 1994 game Warcraft, the detailed lore depicts the battle that started it all between the Orcs and Humans. However, to draw criticism on the fans sighting lore as the sole reason not to adapt the game, many fanatics were fast to point out the countless times the Horde and Alliance actually teamed up to take on a bigger threat.
As for ruining the lore, Blizzard has proven time and time again to take deep consideration into planning the storylines strewn throughout the games 18 years in existence. Truly, it is a little heartbreaking to know one of the most distinct aspects of the game, choosing a faction and bleeding blue or red, will forever be changed. However, nearly two decades of running such a massive MMORPG like World of Warcraft needs a little evolution once in a while.

buzai232 Apr 12 '22, 07:18PM · Tags: buy wow items

Next World of Warcraft expansion leaks

Historically, World of Warcraft expansions are released every two years, so after 2020’s Shadowlands players are due for another big story DLC this year – however, disruption from the pandemic and the lawsuit over alleged discrimination and harassment at Activision Blizzard may put back the new expansion to 2023.To get more news about Buy WoW WLK Items, you can visit official website.

We’ll likely find out the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight release date on April 19 for the proper reveal, but the game’s website (via Wowhead) accidentally leaked the first details of the expansion. The source code was recently updated to show “WoW Dragonflight” Base, Heroic, and Epic pre-purchases – suggesting multiple tiers for the expansion, much like Shadowlands got.Most of these point to a new URL, which, of course, is currently inactive. Wowhead also spotted that several dragon-related items were datamined earlier this year, including a pet and what seems to be a Green Dragon mount. It’s speculated that these could be bonuses for the Epic or Heroic edition of the Dragonflight expansion. We’ll find out for sure in a couple of weeks.

From military to sci-fi to fantasy, from MMOs to block-builders to card battlers, it turns out that zero can buy you quite a lot in the F2P game world – and that some classics are available at the steepest possible discount. From cultural phenomenons like Fortnite, to all-time classics like Team Fortress 2, there are good games for free that suit literally every type of PC player.
To get started in your journey to playing the top free PC games for 2022, you need just look at this very extensive list we’ve put together. Finding these free download PC games reminded us just how far the world has come; you really can get triple-A quality games without spending a penny. Here are the best free games on PC, in no particular order!

You don’t have to find a group of like-minded aviation enthusiasts on a message board and join their virtual squadron to enjoy War Thunder. You don’t have to choose between realism or accessibility, either. You just download it, and then you’re flying – or driving, or shooting, or even both at the same time. This massively-multiplayer WW2 combat game effortlessly encompasses all of the explosions and excitement that planes and tanks are capable of generating. Not sure where to start? Our War Thunder tips will help point your tank’s cannon in the right direction. If you’re looking for war games that put you in the thick of it then War Thunder is for you.

You can now play one of the best-known mobile RPGs for free on PC. Raid’s turn-based combat and squad management require some strategic thinking, even from veterans of the genre. The game features over 300 heroes for you to collect, each with their own stats and unique abilities, meaning you’ll have to tweak and optimise your squad to make the most of your characters’ strengths. You can also take the fight online by either teaming up with other players in co-op, err, raids, or defeating their squad in battle to gain valuable rewards.

If you like the idea of World of Tanks but the battlefields just are not wet enough, then you need World of Warships. Introducing the navy to the concept of deathmatch, the controls are simple and welcoming, but allow for interesting tactics. World of Warships is more fun than Total War’s pondering naval engagements, definitely more approachable than Silent Hunter, and far, far deeper than the Pirates games. Surprisingly deep, if you’ll excuse the submariner humour. The World of Warships esports scene is also far more exciting than it has any right to be.

This Battlefield-esque tactical shooter prides itself on its historical accuracy, providing you with era-appropriate weapons and equipment as you lead your squad of AI soldiers through some of the most famous campaigns of WWII.

As in War Thunder (developer Gaijin’s F2P hit), you’ll also have access to a range of aircraft, tanks, and vehicles to help you on your way to victory, which are unlocked through the distinct skill sets of each of your squad members.

buzai232 Apr 11 '22, 07:17PM · Tags: buy wow items

World of Warcraft prepares for the future as 9.2 launches

World of Warcraft‘s new big patch, 9.2 — Shadows of Eternity, launched today. This is the last chapter for the Shadowlands expansion, and it represents something of a crossroads (or maybe bridge) for Blizzard.To get more news about Buy WoW Gold Classic, you can visit official website.

The MMO and its team have been through hectic times. Accusations of workplace problems and investigations into those issues surfaced last year. In January, Microsoft shocked the world by announcing its plan to purchase World of Warcraft’s parent company, Activision Blizzard.Even outside all of that madness, World of Warcraft has been dealing with an increasingly discontent fanbase. Many players disliked Shadowlands’ story and its over-reliance on convoluted progression systems. Blizzard has been taking steps to win fans back, including making plans to finally allow players from the two games opposing factions — Alliance and Horde — to play together.

I had a chance to talk with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas and senior level designer Sara Wons. We discussed what’s new in today’s update, as well as what’s coming in the MMO’s future.Ion Hazzikostas: First off, we’re adding a ton of new content. But in a lot of ways it’s carrying forward the philosophies that we pivoted to, in many cases, in 9.1.5 in response to player feedback over the course of Shadowlands. Building a whole new ecosystem, a whole new piece of content from the ground up with those in mind. As players are experiencing the thrilling conclusion to Shadowlands, as we’re going to this mysterious amazing high concept land of Zereth Mortis, and taking the fight to the Jailer, going through the raid and the dungeons, throughout that process we’ve asked ourselves on the system side, what are the things, traditionally, that are going to be pain points two or three months down the line?

We’re bringing back class sets. How will players feel two months into the patch when they want to switch characters or their friends are coming back and they feel like they’re behind with no way to catch up on getting their set pieces? Okay, let’s add a system, the sort of thing we previously patched in down the line, from the start. We have this creation catalyst that players will be able to unlock using currency a couple months in to target and specifically accelerate their acquisition of set pieces, build their own sets in a deterministic, non-RNG way. We’ve made most of our unlocks account-wide, whether it’s flying in the zone or access to content. In general, just trying to get ahead of what we have been hearing from players in recent years and taking those lessons to heart and building them into the content from the ground up.

Sara Wons: Zereth Mortis is an opportunity for us to dig even deeper into the crazy universe that we’ve already seen with Shadowlands, but then really take it to the next level. We were intrigued by the idea of keeping this place mysterious, while also giving some breadcrumbs and things for players to figure out. We dove into, who were the Progenitors? How would they have functioned? How would they have built anything here? We ended up focusing on the building blocks of the universe and sacred geometry. You’ll see that woven into the landscape here, in the denizens, in the creatures. That’s one thing that we focused in on, that recurring theme of this sacred geometry, as well as mystery and things to explore.

Hazzikostas: I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily a core change. It’s more trying to support parallel paths of progression and different play styles, recognizing that there are a bunch of folks who love outdoor world gameplay. That’s what they do, their entire endgame. We hadn’t necessarily served them as well as dungeon players or competitive PvP players or raiders in the past. We wanted to take steps toward changing that. We set up a system that has a lot of depth, a lot of deep understanding of the zone, thoroughly integrated into the zone’s mechanics, as something for those explorers to really delve into.

But we understand, and we certainly heard loud and clear from the community, that if we put power that will increase your damage in a dungeon or damage in a raid behind a system, it now becomes mandatory, whether that’s gameplay you enjoy or not. And so having this as something that is, for hardcore power gamers, optional, but still deep in something they can take at their own pace, it’s something we’re trying to do to offer a range of options without pressuring people to play the game in a way they’d rather not.

buzai232 Apr 11 '22, 07:10PM · Tags: buy wow items
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