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Tag search results for: "garden shredder"

If you have ever walked through a Garden Shredder forest in the springtime just as new leaves were forming then you more than likely have seen leaf mold on the ground from the leaves that fell the previous autumn.

Add the leaf mold to your garden by mixing it in with your soil. This type of compost is especially good for plants in the cabbage and carrot family. Leaf mold is one of the easiest forms of compost you can make since it requires virtually no work.

This allows you to do something productive with all of those leaves and your garden soil will thank you for it by providing a bountiful harvest. Besides, your time can be better spent harvesting the fruits of your labor.

Why hello! I see you've made it just in time for our daily four o'clock tea appointment.

I'm especially excited over today's tea selection, it's a homemade concoction that has been in the family for many, many generations and I'm proud to be sharing it with you.

No, no, it's not our usual black tea and milk, nor is it the spicy orange and cinnamon that we had the other week, this tea is different. My dear friend, allow me to introduce to you the wonderfully nutritious and rich compost tea!

Why are you making that face? No, no, we will not be drinking it! No I haven't lost my mind! This is very special to me; allow me to explain to you why...

I took note yesterday that you complimented me on my fine vegetable garden, which is, of course the finest Hedge Shears in all of this side of Southampton.

LidsPlastic Aug 14 '16, 08:21PM · Tags: garden shredder