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Dealing with university stress

University stress is something that almost every student gets to face in his/her college life. This stress can be so bad, that many students may fully want to rely on essay writers to get their essay assignments written. The underlying cause is an inability to concentrate.


So how can one deal with such great stress? The main cause of university stress in most of the cases is a hectic routine. College days normally begin at 9 AM in the morning, and end at 5 PM in the evening. It sounds quite hectic doesn’t it? But my having a perfectly sketched time table at hand, a student can indeed manage time efficiently. But this would first require him/her to get over procrastination of course. Procrastination is also considered as the root of all problems in college. This also covers stress, depression, and frustration. Hence, consider procrastination as your enemy and kick it off the moment it sets upon you. Also, maintaining a regular workout routine at the gym or the sports field would also prove to be highly important. Sports and physical exercise makes the brain send signals to release small amounts of dopamine and serotonin.


Both of these hormones give off the feeling of peacefulness and makes a person feel happy. Hence, working out would be another great way of dealing with college stress.

Created: Oct 6 '16, 04:06AM · Admin: essaysonnet
